Request a quote for a management asbestos survey online.
This type of survey is the standard asbestos survey. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition.
These assessments will involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance.
This survey will involve an assessment of the condition of the various ACMs and their ability to release fibres into the air, the material assessment. PHH will also provide a draft priority risk assessment for any ACMs found. This level of investigation will usually involve sampling of suspect ACMs but may also include presumed materials that were difficult to access or sample.
A management survey will assess the condition of any ACM and will contain an algorithm to assist in the consideration of the material risk, this identifies the high-risk materials but does not assess the actual risk to building occupants.
Our surveys also include a draft risk assessment of the material taking into account its location and the activities in that location. This can form the basis of a future asbestos management program.
Other features
- Designed for compliance with Health and Safety, CDM, and CAR Regulations.
- PHH is UKAS accredited to ISO 17020 for the provision of all types of Asbestos Surveys and Priority Risk Assessments, our Accredited Body Number is 384.
- All surveys are carried out in accordance with HSE HSG264 and HSG227 which are the approved and recognized format for asbestos surveys in the UK. Each survey results in a report containing an asbestos register.
- Our services are competitive and ‘best value’. Prospective clients should be aware that there are a number of small operators that do not have appropriate insurance cover, who are offering asbestos surveys.
- We are able to provide fixed price quotations or can work on a negotiated cost plus overheads and profit basis. Negotiation can be as part of a client wishing to subscribe to ‘Egan’ principles in relation to partnering in the supply chain.
- Depending upon the client’s needs, we offer all types of asbestos surveys and all types of properties and on completion, we issue pdf copies of the report as standard. Reports can also be issued in hard copy (we may charge to cover material and admin costs) or can be made available on our unique asbestos register that is individually tailored to each client.
- PHH can also provide update surveys (PHH are not Accredited for this service) or complete re-inspection surveys of existing PHH or other company inspections and provide online access to them via our online register service.
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